Saturday, December 31, 2005
For Mairead!

Looking at the scan,I think I need to go back to the hoop and add a bit more foliage to the Norfolk Pine on the right.
I've tried to show a garden path meandering down to the lowest point of the patch and the blobs here and there are gemstone chips for rocks in the garden path

Monday, December 19, 2005
Pink Bag II....completed

The Pink Bag II is finished. This was harder work than the others, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Friday, December 16, 2005
I think I'm finished - could go on adding more here there and everywhere but as I am already well over the deadline I think it's time to get it in the post now :) Not sure about that 'tree'?!
Pink bag - mark II

So here is a couple of piccies of the second pink bag I am making for my older step daughter.
I have put some stitching on this one. Handles have been purchased and will be added this weekend along with the lining. Running out of time before Christmas, luckily it's all the rest is done, bar the wrapping.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well I removed the pearly bits around the lower oval gem and replaced them with some pearlized small oval beads;
I then repeated this on the upper left hand side for balance.It mightn't zzing,but K was happy to receive it,so all is well.......and onto the denim swingle now!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Back to the drawing board

I thought I had finished it..........
but when I started editing the pic,I realised this swing purse needs something more:
like "something" in the upper (right hand)lavender patch to give it more "life".

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Eye candy for the weekend!
This link came up in one of my newsletters.If you ever loved looking at beaded work check out the sneak preview of Nancy Eha's new book "Bead Creative Art Quilts"
This link came up in one of my newsletters.If you ever loved looking at beaded work check out the sneak preview of Nancy Eha's new book "Bead Creative Art Quilts"
Saturday, December 10, 2005
KenmaursCorner: Another work in Progress#links
Work in progress

This is one of three swing purses/amulets currently under construction.Unfortunately,I'm unable to tweak the colours of the pink patches to something "truer".
The bright in the lower right hand corner will be on the rear of the bag anyway!

Friday, December 09, 2005
Katrina....and "All that Jazz!"
The following excerpt comes from one of my groups,and I'm sure you'd like to see some eye candy from the challenge for fund raising for Katrina devastated New Orleans.
"Subject: voting on your favourite Katrina block has started
I just thought I would post to the lists that the voting for your
favourite block for the Katrina fundraiser quilt is open as of today.
I won't clog up the list with details of the project except to say all
funds are going to Katrina survivor relief. details are on my blog.
People have worked hard on their blocks. I am amazed at the standard
of work. Each block has its merits and they are going to make a
wonderful quilt.
Do pop over to the gallery, take a look and leave your vote.
the URL is
sharon b
Canberra Australia
Home page and stitch dictionary
In a Minute Ago - a textile weblog
The following excerpt comes from one of my groups,and I'm sure you'd like to see some eye candy from the challenge for fund raising for Katrina devastated New Orleans.
"Subject: voting on your favourite Katrina block has started
I just thought I would post to the lists that the voting for your
favourite block for the Katrina fundraiser quilt is open as of today.
I won't clog up the list with details of the project except to say all
funds are going to Katrina survivor relief. details are on my blog.
People have worked hard on their blocks. I am amazed at the standard
of work. Each block has its merits and they are going to make a
wonderful quilt.
Do pop over to the gallery, take a look and leave your vote.
the URL is
sharon b
Canberra Australia
Home page and stitch dictionary
In a Minute Ago - a textile weblog
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
KenmaursCorner: Some eye candy
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
christmas Ornie swap
Here are the 4 ornaments I received in the swap :) Merry Christmas everyone. Thank yuo Maureen for organising the swap and for the express postage :) Just need to put up my tree now. Ho ho ho.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Will not meet the deadline ...
but I'm haveing a great time.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Button storage
On another site where I tend to lurk,the discussion on the storage of buttons came up,and I thought you may be interested to read what others say and do!
On Behalf Of Ola Mallard
Subject: Re: [CQembellishers] storing buttons
Please remember to separate buttons by materials - metal shouldn't be
with plastic etc. Unless you don't mind that they will deteriote.
antique buttons. The newer "metals" are mainly metallized plastic.
On behalf of Katherine Smith:
RE: storing buttons
I'm glad Ola brought up the very important tip that buttons should be
separated by the type of material they are. Here are some of my
Metal buttons (REAL metal) mixed with celluloid or Bakelite buttons
cause the bakelites and celluloids to disintegrate and the metal
buttons to
tarnish - sometimes beyond salvation.
Bakelite buttons stored with plastic buttons will cause the Bakelite
to disintegrate or "rot".
tin, and I've purchased tins of buttons, the metal can react with
types of buttons. Tightly closed glass jars, though, will/can cause
to mold and rust. (I have about 6 LARGE jars of various kinds of
buttons I
won at a country auction that are STILL in the closed jars I got them
because they smell moldy and musty and have turned green. I hope to be
to wash them some day, when I have NOTHING else to do.)
I separate my buttons by 1) type of material; then by 2) color. My
buttons - those I'm relatively sure are plastic and not bakelite or
celluloid - are in large, wide-mouth canning jars with tulle over the
opening, secured by the appropriate "ring" lid. This way the buttons
breathe. I also store my wood, composition, leather, fabric/fiber,
bone/horn/antler buttons this way. You don't have to go out and spend
of $$ on jars - many of my jars are the "mason" jars that spaghetti
and fruit came in. They're meant to be reused! I use the "Bonne
jelly jars for buttons or colors I have is smaller quantities. (I
seem to have enough purple or orange buttons, for some reason...) I
close these jars tight with their metal lids if the buttons ARE NOT
or metal, Bakelite or celluloid. ****This way I decrease the risk of
plastic buttons "gassing off" in an enclosed space and causing chemical
changes in them, in case I missed a Bakelite or celluloid in that jar,
the types of plastic react adversely.*** Important safety tip!
Now, for my glass and Mother of Pearls----> because I love them SO
much and
love to run my hands through them and look at them in the privacy of my
studio space like some grizzled miser, I went out and bought many of
Plano deep, divided tackle boxes that come with moveable dividers.
about $5-$6 each.) I keep all the glass buttons together, sorted by
size and
color. I sort the pearls by size, number of holes, and style - with the
beautifully carved one separate from the "shirt" or common
round ones.
I also have one box of "precious-to-me" buttons - enamel buttons whose
I don't want to get chipped off with careless, forgetful handling - as
as other delicate buttons (the few hand-painted china button I own, for
For advice on cleaning buttons I go to
probably more information than you want, but IMO the best resource for
information for a briefer
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The 'Fairy' purse
For the young, contemporary, and Barbie mad set, this is a must have item this year....
For my step daughter for Xmas. The other side is crazy pieced, but no embellishment.
Dimensions are 19cm l x 13cm h x 8cm w.
Jacqui, recipe for fairy...
1x set of car keys
1x wallet
1x spotlight store
Drive to spotlight, ensure you lock car. Wander up and down craft section. At this point you are not really sure what you are looking for. Pick up several things, continue to wander until you find the basket with the fairies in. Pick up fairy , discard everything else. Go to check out and pay. Go home and sew fairy on to the bag you prepared earlier.
For my step daughter for Xmas. The other side is crazy pieced, but no embellishment.
Dimensions are 19cm l x 13cm h x 8cm w.
Jacqui, recipe for fairy...
1x set of car keys
1x wallet
1x spotlight store
Drive to spotlight, ensure you lock car. Wander up and down craft section. At this point you are not really sure what you are looking for. Pick up several things, continue to wander until you find the basket with the fairies in. Pick up fairy , discard everything else. Go to check out and pay. Go home and sew fairy on to the bag you prepared earlier.
Friday, December 02, 2005
KenmaursCorner: Pussy-cat,pussycat,where have you been?
Thursday, December 01, 2005
KenmaursCorner: Another bag;another deadline
Thank God that's over!
To every one who participated in the Christmas Ornie Swap,Thank-you for your lovely ornaments!
As for some of you it was your first venture into CQ ,you are great and you wont escape the CQ bug if I have anything to do with it.
I've tried to be fair in who got what so I hope you wont be disappointed in what comes your way.
I now know what SharonB goes through when she "does" the Australian/U.S. Swap and more specifically what Ali and Patti of SCCs ( ) endure with their Christmas Ornie Swap.
I've just about finished packaging the orines and hopefully they will all start on their homeward journey today.
I KNOW some of you have better pics than I do of the Ornies,so feel free to upload them....after you've tried photographing 38,they all start to blur together!
cq ornies
here are the other two. Was going to do 6 but the clock beat me - maybe I'll get back to the others after the Xmas preparations are done - that'll be boxing day then! Vbg. Really enjoyed doing these, thanks to Maureen for organising the swap :)