Sunday, May 04, 2008



Here is a pic of the quiltie I sent to Di over in England. It was for a quiltie swap I took part in. I crazy-patched the block and mostly free-embroidered the Aussie wildflowers using DMC threads,silk ribbon and some of my hand-dyed rayon thread which is very similar to an Edmar thread. I think the waratah flower turned out the best, being bullion wraps over a felt centre. The hardest to depict, I found was the kangaroo paw, which turned out a little bulky, but I guess it's still recognisable (AT least I hope it is)LOL

Friday, December 21, 2007


Lost quilts please come home

Whilst visiting Kristin Miller's site,I found a link which took me to the Lost Quilts site

So I filed a missing quilt blocks request complete with such photos of the missing blocks from the CQRR06.

Perhaps other members might have more current pics and descriptions than the ones I sent to the "lost quilts".
If so,PLEASE go to the site and add your info............

Who knows........miracles may happen!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Pinup's block are on their way ......HOME

I "lifted" the following extract from Sharon's blog "Stitch today,the rest tomorrow"
in order to keep an account of those blocks that survived the travel horrors of the 2006CQRR.
Unfortunately the photos did not travel to this blog as I hoped,so please use the link to view them.

Pinup's Blocks

Block 1 Block 2
These are the two of three blocks I have remaining from the CQOO06 RR. They are to start the last leg of their journey - home - to New Zealand today. My contribution is the bead work in the last section of the bottom Block2.
Pinup's blocks are so full of life and colour and she has used some interesting fabrics in the makeup of her blocks... When I first received them (quite some months ago now!!) I was bedazzled by the vibrancy of them - the first words I thought of when I looked at them were carnival and fireworks... I must admit it took me a while to 'find my place' amongst the colours to stitch - the section of brown gold embroidered satin caught my eye and stirred my imagination and the tone on tone beads which I found I had a long with the little floral shapes were 'just made' for the job... I wanted to cluster the beads - stitching them on top of each other to create some height - I found I had some gold balls so I added them to 'connect' to the gold embroidery of the fabric and some of the other aspects of the block. That small section took a few mornings work and created some interest from passersby in the food court where I sit and stitch before I start work each morning.
E - I hope you like my 'little bit'. Your blocks will be home soon...

Saturday, August 11, 2007



I finally made it in... Since changing to the new blogger I have lost my old dashboard and do you think I could remember the user name to retrieve it!!!!! I am sure when I get to heaven (????) and the BIG G asks me for my user name or password I will be sitting outside the pearly gates for eternity trying to remember it - note to self here - take some stitching!!!! Anyway the reason I was so desperate to get here was that my blocks have completed their pilgrimage and are now home. The effort it has taken me to find access this page has left me quite exhausted so I shall just leave my blog addy... Please come over and have a look...

Saturday, August 04, 2007



In May,2006 my two naked blocks set off to travel to the USA,then to Jacqui in the UK;back to Australia,across to Jo and Evie in NZ then finally via Margaret in Hervey Bay they arrived home this week.
In all,ten people added their work to these two blocks:
Becky,Jacqui,Helen,Sharon,Hope,Lynette, Roslyn, Jo,Evie and Margaret.
Thank you ladies for the little bits of your self you have given to me.
I'm only sorry that not everyone's blocks survived the international travel.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Gatherings: Open request for all,"Giving with your heart ,made from your hands"

Gatherings: Open request for all,"Giving with your heart ,made from your hands": "'Giving with your heart ,made from your hands'"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


We beat the postal gremlins!

An email from Becky this morning let me know that somehow her block managed to sneak past the postal gremlins and arrive back in California.
Some good news at last !

Now if St Anthony (patron saint of lost property) would just weave a little more magic,and find the other missing blocks,
all would be "sweet".

I'm hoping that over the Summer(northern hemisphere) Becky and the other members who have their completed blocks will publish their completed articles.

What about it ladies?
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